Paul McCartney Photography Book Set for June 13

Paul McCartney will show off his photography skills in a new book,  1964: Eyes of the Storm, which arrives on June 13.

The book will chronicle The Beatles first transatlantic tour, featuring “largely unseen photographs [taken by McCartney using a 35mm camera] capture the explosive period, from the end of 1963 through early 1964, in which The Beatles became an international sensation and changed the course of music history.”

The book features 275 photos captured around six cities — Liverpool, London, Paris, New York, Washington, D.C., and Miami. There is also an introduction by historian Jill Lepore and a personal foreword by McCartney as he recalls the events surrounding the tour.

The book –which already tops Amazon at number one-is currently on sale for $63.75, meaning you can preorder it for a fraction of the price. For those who prefer a digital version, it’s also available in a Kindle edition for $35.99

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